Sports Eyewear
Depending on your leisure activity and requirement, Optique Opticians in Battersea is able to advice you on the best type of frames, which can be fitted with prescription lenses, for any of the following sports:
► Cycling ► Swimming ► General sports ► Skiing ► Diving ► Climbing ► Snowboarding
► Water sports ► Shooting ► Bowls ► Snooker ► Motorcycling ► Golf
► Fishing ► Skating
Contact Lenses are also a great alternative option for any of sports. Non- prescription goggles can be worn over the contact lenses to give you the best possible eye protection.
Safety Spectacles
Optique Opticians in Battersea is able to supply prescription protective glasses and goggles to protect your eyes in a variety of hazardous environments. Please inform us of your requirements, and we will discuss and advice you of the best Safety prescription eyewear.
For help and advice on Sports Eyewear and Safety Spectacles, visit Optique Opticians in Battersea, 276 Battersea Park Road, Battersea, London, SW11 3BS. Tel: 020 72282754

The information on this site is for Educational Purposes Only and is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any health conditions.