Optique Opticians in Battersea, can provide you with help and advice on the types of contact lenses available and their suitability for your needs.
Contact lenses are placed directly on the surface of your eye to correct your vision. Contact Lenses can correct short-sight (myopia) and long-sight (hyperopia). They can also correct astigmatism and age-related long-sightedness –presbyopia.
The principle of contact lenses is the same as for glasses. They bend light and redirect it towards your retina to give you improved eyesight.

Nowadays most people wear soft contact lenses made of a moisture-rich material called hydrogel. Hydrogel lenses are breathable, so oxygen can pass through them to help keep your eyes healthy and feeling fresh.
There are different types of contact lenses available to suit your individual vision and lifestyle needs. The main types:
Daily disposable contact lenses
Daily disposable lenses are the easiest contact lenses to look after. Simply discard them at the end of the day and switch to a fresh pair in the morning, so you don’t have to worry about cleaning them.
Wearing new lenses every day is the most convenient and hygienic way of wearing contact lenses.
Two Weekly Disposable Lenses
These you can wear every day for up to two weeks. Just clean them and leave them in disinfecting solution we recommend before you go to bed. Then put them back in first thing in the morning.
Monthly Disposable Lenses
Just like the two-weekly lenses, these you can wear every day for up to a month. Just clean them and leave them in disinfecting solution we recommend before you go to bed. Then put them back in first thing in the morning.
Extended wear contact lenses
Some reusable lenses can be worn continuously for several days or weeks.
However, sleeping in contact lenses is a known risk factor for serious eye infections. We would usually only recommend extended wear for certain occupational requirements – please discuss your requirements when you have your consultation.
For all your Contact Lens needs, visit Optique Opticians in Battersea, 276 Battersea Park Road, Battersea, London, SW11 3BS. Tel: 020 72282754
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